成分:100% Maris limus.
- Najel的天然死海泥來自世界級內海-死海,天然礦泥超過一般海水50倍,含有豐富的滋養成分,作為面膜使用,清潔的效果非常顯著
- 死海泥富含高濃度礦物質,如鎂,鈣,溴和鉀等,除可滋養皮膚,緩解風濕性不適,舒緩關節炎等疾病,對多種皮膚問題如牛皮癣及濕疹有顯著功效,在中世紀已經有記載使用死海泥為護膚及美容產品
- 建議可將死海泥用於全身、面部及頸部,令肌膚喚然一新
- 死海泥亦可用於頭髮,它能有效清潔頭皮,去除頭髮上殘餘的物質
- 治療肌肉酸痛/風濕問題:你可以先將Najel死海泥塗於不適的位置,如手臂、小腿或關節等,然後先鋪上一層錫紙,再包一層暖毛巾,以協助死海泥滲透皮膚,約20分鐘後用清水清洗乾淨則可。每星期可因個人情況需要重覆2-4次。
- 深層潔淨面膜:先徹底清潔肌膚,取適量Najel死海泥,均勻塗於面部,避開眼部四周肌膚,等待2至5分鐘,則可用清水洗乾淨,你可以因應自己的皮膚性質來加長/減短使用時間。
- 深層潔淨髮膜:先以水濕潤頭髮,將Najel死海泥均勻按摩塗抹於頭皮上,靜待5分鐘後沖洗。建議每星期使用1-2次,以達至最佳清潔效果。
- 注意:死海泥沉底,有泥和水分離為正常現象,你可在使用前輕輕攪拌,將死海泥和死海水混合。
- 死海泥的顏色亦會氧化而變得較為淺色(可以是淺啡至深啡色),是天然現象,並不代表質量有變。
- 所有膚質適用,如屬敏感肌膚,建議第一次用時先用於T字部位,數分鐘後洗淨再觀察皮膚狀況
- 如過為刺激,可以選用Najel的面膜粉系列,效果較為溫和
The mineral mud by Najel is a valuable, natural product that, in its purest form, originates from the Dead Sea, the world’s saltiest body of water. Applied as a mask, it has extraordinary benefits.
The sediments of the Dead Sea form this revitalising blackish grey mud, that has been used as skin therapy and cosmetics since the Middle Ages. Psoriasis, acne and rheumatism sufferers can benefit from the effects of the Dead Sea mud.
The mineral mud is recommended for the entire body, i.e also for the face and neck, making skin appear refreshed and smoothed. It is also suitable for hair care, as it removes residue thoroughly.
For the treatment of muscle pain and rheumatism disorders, Najel recommends using a mud wrap. Apply the Dead Sea mud to the painful body part, wrap in foil and a towel and let the wrap sit for 20 minutes. Rinse thoroughly with clear water thereafter.
For skin and hair care, let it sit for a minute or two and rinse thoroughly thereafter.
- Suitable for all skin types
- Can be used on body, face or hair
- Content: 300g
- Made in Jordan